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Help us change the world

"One at the time starting with yourself, we are aiming to create more peace in the world by helping people to revert the negative effects of stress and the reactions to it. The change is permanent and it is so easy!" - Moris

Mindfitness is a start up project that aims to create a space for people to come together to refer the negative effects of stress through yoga and meditation retreats.

We have created a platform for you to join and promote our amazing RETREATS.

It is very simple,

1) Join here

2) You will get a unique link to add to your emails, sms, WhatsApp, blogs etc.

3) Every time someone makes a booking, you get a 10% from the initial deposit.

We have one Retret coming up in Spain close to Malaga. The retreat will be run in English by I am fluent in Spanish too.


- There is no contractual obligation from any part.

- Flexibility

- Extra income

- Get connected with amazing people in the yoga community

- Help us make a better world by sharing peace

- Get discounts to our retreats

- Qualify to become a partner

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