Why Mindfitness?
You might already have a meditation practice, or you might be looking to start from zero or you might just be looking for more... In any case, you are in the right place!
The results can be seen in as little as 6 weeks of self practice. Benefits include: improve sleeping and rest, more productive and creative mind, blood pressure, mental health, emotional strength, self-empowerment.
Other techniques are more like a massage therapy for relaxation. Mindfitnes is more like going for a run or a session of cardio but for the mind. Although it reverts all sympthoms of stress, it is more a technique to shape the mind.
Combining Mindfitness with other techniques is great but you can practice Mindfitness exclusively and still see amazing result. Mind Fitness works using mental techniques; these mechanical conscious techniques drive the attention to the deepest part of the mind and refine your focus in order to stay there. These techniques are completely self-sufficient. They are simple, easy and effortless. Any current belief remains intact and any foreign belief is not required. No positions or breathing exercises are needed. This is not a belief system. In fact, your own ideas and beliefs remain intact. This practice is ultimately the best method for stress relief available. Mind fitness addresses and deals with stress from two angles: eyes open and eyes closed.
Mindfitness is a community based on friendship and compassion as our highest values. Our purpose is to bring health and wellbeing to people through meditation and yoga.
We love what we do!
We love to bring people together to a safe and supportive space. We offer an inclusive environment where every individual is valued and invited to bring 100% of who they are.
Our Mission
We are dedicated to heal humanity starting from the self. We direct the attention to the true teacher which is within yourself and in your heart.
How do we do that?
We deliver and host meditation workshops and retreats. We also maintain close contact with all participants in our weekly group meditation sessions.
This meditation technique comes from enlightened monks who have been preserving ancient teachings that are at least 2000 years old. The origins of this type of meditation come from the Vedas, which are ancient texts from India. In the 18th Century these techniques arrived in the west.
In the 1960s, Transcendental Meditation was brought to America by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi where he taught celebrities such as the Beatles. By the 80’s, meditation became popular around the world. Then in the 90’s, Transcendental Meditation got simplified to make it easier to learn and practice.
In 2005, Moris was introduced to meditation by Devi, an enlightened monk that was directly connected to the traditional lineage of ancient teachers. This included Moris as part of the chain of wisdom transmitted by teacher to student from generation to generation. In the same year, Moris took vows in that tradition and became a monk. From this time, Moris has been continuously teaching meditation as well as leading retreats.
In 2007, Moris left the organization to pursue a career in the corporate world as a Human Resources Professional. He became a senior employee at the Government of Ontario in Canada, and a college professor teaching Human Resources. Then in 2010, Moris obtained a certificate as a Yoga Teacher and started teaching in combination with Meditation. During this time, Moris managed to adapt the ancient meditation technique to the high standards of the government and world class corporations to ensure diversity and inclusion is a priority. At the same time, Moris simplified the technique even more by implementing modern methodologies related to adult learning and in particular professional adults. This new meditation technique is known today as Mindfitness.
In 2018, Moris became certified in Mindfulness by the University of Toronto and completed a training in modern psychology taught by a professor from Princeton University.
Today, Mindfulness works as a relaxation practice while Mindfitness is a workout for the mind. Mindfulness meditation has a similar path to Mindfitness. Both techniques come from the ancient Vedic Philosophy. The difference is that Mindfulness comes from the teachings of Buddhism and Mindfitness comes directly from the Vedic literature.
Mindfitness is an easy and effortless meditation technique that will help you to develop a meditation self practice. Mindfitness combines ancient knowledge from Vedic Monks and modern training techniques.
Since 2005, we teach a technique that is similar to working out at the gym but instead of working on arms, legs or chest; you learn a practice to gain strength in the three attributes of the mind: Attention, Focus and Awareness
Delivered over a zoom meeting online in three Meetings 2 hours each
In classroom 2 days (3 hours each) or 3 day (2 hours each) options
In a retreat environment – Delivered on the first three days of a week retreat in sessions of 2 hours each or in sessions of 3 hours in the last two days in a weekend retreat.
The primary course of Mindfitness is taught around the world in a two-day or three-day format. In this course you will learn a powerful meditation technique that has been taught from teacher to student for thousands of years in a modern format.
You will learn four techniques based on POSITIVE EMOTION: Praise, Gratitude and Love. All the four techniques are really easy to use and require no effort at all.
Mindfitness works by using the two sides of the brain, one that works with emotions and the other that works with concepts. At the same time, it works with the natural tendency of the mind to look for happiness and the tendency of the body to constantly heal itself. Each session is simple, relaxing and enjoyable.
By the end of the training, you will have everything you need for a self-sufficient practice that will enhance all areas of your life. As an added bonus, once you have completed the training, you are welcome, and encouraged, to repeat it as often as you wish, for FREE! You are also welcomed to join our weekly meditation sessions also completely FREE!
First session – Introduction to Mindfitness Meditation
Discover what Mindfitness is and the possibilities. Similarities and differences from other meditation techniques.
Learn the Praise technique. You will be able to experience the benefits right away! - This is the most fundamental and important technique. In fact, it is all you would need. This technique relates to the inner experiences and subjective world.
Second session – Mechanics of the Mind and States of Consciousness
How it really works and what is happening to create the experiences we have. Another tool to go beyond limitation, this time related to the physical experience and objective world.
Higher states of consciousness are not only real; they are available to anyone. Many people find this the most beautiful, most relaxing and impactful technique as it relates to heal any sense of separation from love and the sources of it.
Third Session – Compassion and other benefits
You will leave with a complete system of self-discovery; it is truly a lifelong gift to yourself.
Mindfitness Meditation is an effortless mental technique that does not require positions, breathing techniques or even any ability. Mindfitness is by far more effective than meditation and other similar techniques for relaxation. It works with the natural tendency of the mind which is to find higher happiness and the natural tendency of the body with is to heal itself. The results can be seen in as little as 6 weeks of self practice. Benefits include: improve sleeping and rest, more productive and creative mind, blood pressure, mental health, emotional strength, self-empowerment. Mindfitness is like going to the gym but we workout the attention, focus and awareness of the mind instead of arms, legs and other muscles of the body.